06-23-2022, 10:54 AM
as of late, the tensions were driving the elder further and further from camp in search of solitude and some matter of peace, though, as luck would have it, peace was impossible to find. He was running out of yarrow and chervil. Patching up wounds and drawing out infections from the warriors and apprentices in camp was beginning to drain his small storage of herbs, and he was nearly out of those specific ones. that wasn't acceptable and he needed to refill them, leading to him wandering the territory in search of suitable herbs, causing him to wander all over the territory that they called their own, the entire mass of it, that was.
by the time he reached a location to rest, he was out of breath and his legs were aching, muscles screaming at him. inhaling and exhaling heavily, the elderly tom would sit down at the base of a pile of sandy rocks, licking his aching paws to try and soothe the throbbing. ancestors, what he wouldn't give for yarrow to soothe his cracked paw pads. sniffing the air to check for danger, a thrill would run up his spine at the tangy and familiar scents of the herbs, leading the old rogue to get back up and turn his head to look for the leaves and blossoms of his desired herbs, tail trembling in pleasure. he wouldn't have to keep walking, having found these needed remedies.
shaking out stiff legs, the tom would bend his head to begin to gather the herbs, pulling them out carefully by the root. as he did this work, slowly would the scent of a reptile reach him, his ears laying back against his head unhappily. he sniffed the air a few more times, a low growl echoing from his chest as he recognized the scent of a snake, slowly searching around with his eyes for the danger. unable to find it, he slowly picked up his bundle of freshly picked herbs and began to back away from the sand-colored tumble of rocks, tail switching uneasily, his happiness gone and replaced with wariness. he didn't want to get bit, nor did he want to have to deal with one of these snakes.
by the time he reached a location to rest, he was out of breath and his legs were aching, muscles screaming at him. inhaling and exhaling heavily, the elderly tom would sit down at the base of a pile of sandy rocks, licking his aching paws to try and soothe the throbbing. ancestors, what he wouldn't give for yarrow to soothe his cracked paw pads. sniffing the air to check for danger, a thrill would run up his spine at the tangy and familiar scents of the herbs, leading the old rogue to get back up and turn his head to look for the leaves and blossoms of his desired herbs, tail trembling in pleasure. he wouldn't have to keep walking, having found these needed remedies.
shaking out stiff legs, the tom would bend his head to begin to gather the herbs, pulling them out carefully by the root. as he did this work, slowly would the scent of a reptile reach him, his ears laying back against his head unhappily. he sniffed the air a few more times, a low growl echoing from his chest as he recognized the scent of a snake, slowly searching around with his eyes for the danger. unable to find it, he slowly picked up his bundle of freshly picked herbs and began to back away from the sand-colored tumble of rocks, tail switching uneasily, his happiness gone and replaced with wariness. he didn't want to get bit, nor did he want to have to deal with one of these snakes.
WITH THE FOXES AND THE HOUNDS! [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/971957466487210015/983953391359238214/ref.png]❖