06-10-2022, 11:29 AM
(Edited 06-10-2022, 11:31 AM by Cliffwalker.)
By the time the sun had fully risen we were atop the Pass . I paused for a moment to take in the view, the rocky slopes and sharp edged cliffs still mostly hidden beneath the winters last snow. This high it would be weeks yet before the snows really began to melt even though spring would be in full bloom in the foothills and lowlands.
"Well Echo, you ready?" I asked. The tiny Pika tucked securely in his pouch atop my pack whistled an affirmative. With one last look back down the Eastern side of the mountain, highlighted by the morning sun, I stepped onto the path down the western side. Excitement shivered through me, today our adventure began, together we would explore the world and see all the places that we had only ever heard of through the tales of passing travelers.
"Well Echo, you ready?" I asked. The tiny Pika tucked securely in his pouch atop my pack whistled an affirmative. With one last look back down the Eastern side of the mountain, highlighted by the morning sun, I stepped onto the path down the western side. Excitement shivered through me, today our adventure began, together we would explore the world and see all the places that we had only ever heard of through the tales of passing travelers.