06-07-2022, 09:03 AM
she/her - chartreux - thunderclan - tags
A sleek gray-blue molly was at the river, far from camp. Her copper eyes taking in every detail of the flowing water, no trinkets at her side. She felt much more inclined to swim before she started sifting through water and sand for anything to bring back. With a warm sigh, Mistystream stretched, watched, and padded into the river. Her fur wet from the flowing waves, gently rolling over her back as she swept her paws out and began moving forward, sideways, and even half diving to pull something up from the rough rocks and gritty sand.
Misty stopped in place, fur plastered to her sides, her eyes alight as she found something finally. Adjusting her position, the molly extended her right paw claws as far as she could, took a deep breath, and shoved her head underwater to take the shiny treasure she had found. It took two attempts, and a tender claw, but she resurfaced her third time, and slowly paddled back to shore. Chest heaving with exhaustion, and pride, Misty looked at the object she snagged. In her right paw claws, tucked tight, was an intact clamshell, beautifully a light iridescent blue. Padding further onto shore, the molly loafed next to her current trinket and began grooming her fur.
Misty stopped in place, fur plastered to her sides, her eyes alight as she found something finally. Adjusting her position, the molly extended her right paw claws as far as she could, took a deep breath, and shoved her head underwater to take the shiny treasure she had found. It took two attempts, and a tender claw, but she resurfaced her third time, and slowly paddled back to shore. Chest heaving with exhaustion, and pride, Misty looked at the object she snagged. In her right paw claws, tucked tight, was an intact clamshell, beautifully a light iridescent blue. Padding further onto shore, the molly loafed next to her current trinket and began grooming her fur.
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