05-24-2022, 09:39 AM
now, the happy go lucky tom laughed slightly. his fur whipped in the wind as his paws flew over the ground. today was his hunting a rabbit and his paws seemed to glide over the earth. the gap closing and then, he surged forward one last time. the rabbit squealed and then fell silently to the earth at his feet.
panting, the tom shook some dust from his fur and sat down. letting his body cool from the excitement and from the run. he was so free. he loved this moor, but he knew he would have to return to the others in camp. so, he sighed softly. standing and heading back to join the others with his rabbit in tow.
he would reach camp by sunhigh and there he dropped his rabbit. deciding to see if anyone was hungry and wished to share. anyone want to share some rabbit with me?
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panting, the tom shook some dust from his fur and sat down. letting his body cool from the excitement and from the run. he was so free. he loved this moor, but he knew he would have to return to the others in camp. so, he sighed softly. standing and heading back to join the others with his rabbit in tow.
he would reach camp by sunhigh and there he dropped his rabbit. deciding to see if anyone was hungry and wished to share. anyone want to share some rabbit with me?
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