05-12-2022, 12:11 PM
the forest smelled lovely this time of year. flowers were blooming, food was abundant. it was perfection and the large tom knew it. that was why he was settled in the roots of an old oak. he made his home there and stuck to himself. well, maybe not to himself truly. he was always teaching those that asked it of him.
of course that was what he was doing right then. he had taught a few loners about the life of a kittypet, as he was called. a softer life that did not suit the large feline. they were now leaving, though he was sure one of the she-cats was making eyes. today he was not seeking love in any form.
today he wanted to sunbath in peace. so, he was resting in the sun. just enjoying himself for the time being.
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of course that was what he was doing right then. he had taught a few loners about the life of a kittypet, as he was called. a softer life that did not suit the large feline. they were now leaving, though he was sure one of the she-cats was making eyes. today he was not seeking love in any form.
today he wanted to sunbath in peace. so, he was resting in the sun. just enjoying himself for the time being.
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