05-05-2022, 08:29 PM
[td][div style="background:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/61/93/...d61e59.gif); font-family: arial; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
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Spadepaw | 6 moons |
Spadepaw had been aware of tension that have going on, but he had ignored it. As long as his family wasn't affected by it, it didn't bother him too much. He laid around lazy enjoy the nice breeze, plus the sun that was shining down on him. He enjoyed peaceful times, but by the sound of things, that wasn't going to last much longer.
As Spadepaw laid there, he started to think of his family and how he would do anything to protect them. He wanted to harm to come to his family and he would do anything to ensure that. Even if it meant obeying someone else. Spadepaw stretched as he sat up before letting out a yawn. He then stood up and stretched more. His green eyes shining against his black coat.
Funny thing, Spadepaw was the odd one in the litter that his mother. Mellowsprite had. With his mom being an brown tabby and his father Nightstorm being a grey stripe cat. Spadepaw always wonder where his coloring came from, but he never questioned his parents. He just figured that somewhere down one side of the family there must had been a black cat. And as the word goes, black cats were bad luck and bad luck seemed to followed Spadepaw.
[/td][/tr][/table]Spadepaw had been aware of tension that have going on, but he had ignored it. As long as his family wasn't affected by it, it didn't bother him too much. He laid around lazy enjoy the nice breeze, plus the sun that was shining down on him. He enjoyed peaceful times, but by the sound of things, that wasn't going to last much longer.
As Spadepaw laid there, he started to think of his family and how he would do anything to protect them. He wanted to harm to come to his family and he would do anything to ensure that. Even if it meant obeying someone else. Spadepaw stretched as he sat up before letting out a yawn. He then stood up and stretched more. His green eyes shining against his black coat.
Funny thing, Spadepaw was the odd one in the litter that his mother. Mellowsprite had. With his mom being an brown tabby and his father Nightstorm being a grey stripe cat. Spadepaw always wonder where his coloring came from, but he never questioned his parents. He just figured that somewhere down one side of the family there must had been a black cat. And as the word goes, black cats were bad luck and bad luck seemed to followed Spadepaw.